
As we offer no clinical rotations, our M.D. program is not accredited. 

If some kind of accreditation or equivalency review is important to you, that is probably a sign that our program is not a good fit for you, and you should look at other programs that might better suit.

Notice: The MD degree issued by Blue Marble University can never be used for physician licensing purposes, to satisfy any education requirements for licensing as a physician or other licensed health care provider, or for any work involving direct patient care. In the USA and most countries, it is illegal to hold oneself out as a licensed physician unless one is in fact licensed.

Blue Marble University is located in Dominica. Most medical schools in the world are not accredited. If the country in which they operate puts their name into Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), their students are approved to sit for the US licensing exams (USMLE’s) even though many foreign students only have diplomas, not medical doctoral degrees.

Our medical degree, though issued by a “foreign education institution”  may be considered equivalent academically to a U.S. medical degree, but graduates may not sit for the USMLE nor practice clinical medicine. We offer an Executive MD degree, and our graduates are on the same footing with graduates of traditional programs who chose not to complete their licensing examinations and use their M.D. degree instead for non-clinical careers in research, the pharmaceutical industry, insurance industry, corporate medical departments, governmental health agencies, or hospital and health care management.

 Blue Marble University degrees and programs are accredited internationally and also have been determined to be equivalent to regionally accredited USA colleges. Please see further information Here:

But for the Medical School, because there is no clinical training and our degree cannot be used to satisfy any educational requirement for licensing for physician or any health care provider, it is unclear what a reviewer may determine, and also, why someone seeking an executive style MD would need such review.

However, although not accredited, our MD program has in some cases been considered equivalent academically to a US Medical School, as determined by various foreign education credential evaluators. One of our graduates was able to obtain the following reviews:

Two Excerpts from Foreign Education Evaluation Reports

On review of our MD degree program by a foreign education credentials evaluator on behalf of one of our graduates, it was found: “This is a three-year program of graduate study in Medicine. It is equivalent to a U.S. degree, Doctor of Medicine, from an institution that does not have regional accreditation…This is an evaluation for equivalency solely; only qualified authorities can determine licensure for medical graduates”.

Another separate credential evaluation service issued its Final Report: “After careful research and analysis the certified credential evaluators have determined that [the student] has satisfied the requirements to attain the equivalent of a Doctor of Medicine Degree from an accredited institution of higher education in the United States”.

However, this was most likely a one-of-a-kind, and most students may only be able to obtain equivalency if at all,  to a PhD program in the US rather than equivalency to a M.D. program. It just really depends on the reviewer and the student’s overall presentation.

Our 3-Year Online M.D. Degree is ONLY for Careers in Medical Management, Pharmaceuticals, Regulatory Affairs, Research, Medical Writing, and Other Endeavors as described Here: Non-Clinical Careers for Unlicensed MD’s


Why the Blue Marble University MD Degree is Equivalent to a PhD
From a Regionally Accredited US Colleges or University
Based on Credits

Because our MD program requires 81 credits of study, which is more than the minimum required 60 credits for a regionally accredited USA college or university doctoral degree, our M.D. degree is equivalent to a USA PhD degree. Most graduates can, for a nominal fee, receive a certificate from a foreign credential evaluation service to the effect that “the program of coursework leading to the M.D. degree issued by the Blue Marble University Medical School is equivalent to a PhD issued by a regionally accredited USA college or university”. Your success depends on your particular presentation, including foundational degree, and choice of foreign education evaluator.

A foreign education reviewer might be interested to know that because there is no break in our academic calendar and courses proceed continuously all year long with no holidays, it should be stressed that each one of our three terms per year encompasses 17 weeks of study, even though nearly all US university programs on a semester schedule are 15 weeks/semester. Consequently, our “Three Semester Year Plan” actually comprises the equivalent of 3 ordinary 15-week semester periods. Hence, one of our 3 credit courses is the equivalent of a 3 credit course in a typical “semester” based program.

It is important to understand that our “Three Semester Year Plan”,  comprising 3 terms of 17  weeks each is not comparable to other so called “trimester” programs which are typically 10 weeks per term. Rather, Blue Marble University operates on the equivalent of 3 SEMESTERS per year.

See How We Compute Course Credits At Blue Marble University HERE:

But even if Blue Marble University credits were considered as “trimester” credits, our M.D. degree program of 81 credits comprises in excess of the 72 credit minimum requirement for a typical trimester based PhD program in the US.

More about the Equivalency and Accreditation of our parent Blue Marble University can be found Here:
