Blue Marble University Online Medical School

September 22,2015: Blue Marble University (Commonwealth of Dominica) announces the opening of its new online medical school:

Blue Marble University Medical School

which offers the world’s only online MD degree program that can be completed in 3 years. Tuition is $2950 USD per year.

The distance learning University is offering two online MD programs, a 3 year online MD degree; and 5 year combination Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine degree intended for high school graduates and home schoolers.

The new website is at:

Currently, the University has been operating the online MD program as a part of its overall online education offerings. However, as the program developed it was time to separate the program out on its own.

The website makes two things very clear:

(1) Online medical education is now avant-garde with many prominent US medical schools adopting online teaching in whole or in part.;

(2) The Doctor of Medicine degree offered by Blue Marble University may not be used to satisfy any educational requirement pertaining to the practice of medicine, and is instead intended for use in non-clinical careers in medical administration, medical research, medical insurance, and medical consulting. It is essentially an Executive MD degree, similar to many California law schools offering an Executive JD degree for students not intending to become practicing lawyers.

The Curriculum is both challenging and amazing,  and courses are presented using instructional videos by acclaimed international medical faculty. The Curriculum is shown here: Curriculum

Another innovation is the creation and use of private student portals, one for each student, using websites for course content, academic records, billing account, and contact information—essentially everything at one location for each student:

affordable 3 year online MD degree program
Sample Student Portal Page

If you are working in the biomedical sciences, or would like to be, come take a look.

Blue Marble University…We Are Writing the Book on Online Education…
and We Know It Well